Element 1:
Drill and Repetition
This element isn't as bad as it sounds. Whatever you do repetitively can be directed towards a goal, becoming part of Element 1.
Element 2: Noodling
This is Element 1's creative side. Combine your little drills in unique ways to gain insight from them.
Element 3:
Content Acquisition
This is the "learning the notes" stage of things. Reading, memorizing, and conventional studying all fall into this element.
Element 4:
Analysis and Internalization
Combine Elements 1, 2, and 3. Add a dash of dreaming, and you have Element 4.
Element 5: Creativity
Innovation and Invention
This is the kind of creativity that adds to a discipline and changes society in the process. An example might be the invention of the cellular telephone.
Imaginative creativity
Imaginative creativity applies a well-learned discipline to the practice of another discipline. The most common example would b writing a science fiction story to improve your understanding of, say, genetics.
Direct creativity
Direct creativity applies specifically to the discipline you're pursuing. Writing a symphony would be a sample of direct creativity in music.